Wednesday, 2 September 2015

TMD and Headache

TMD and Headache

According to the recent researches  , that have concluded that "TMJ disorder can be caused by malocclusion, low vertical dimension, and misalignment of occlusal plane" over 90% of the cases.

Studies  illustrates that neck muscle contraction comprise about 90% of all headaches and the distraction of the occipital nerves, which originate from the back of the neck and spread to the head are the most common nerves to cause headaches.

In Dentistry, hundreds of articles have been published over the past 80 years; many explaining how headaches and neck pain can result from TMJ Disorders and what to do to alleviate/relieve chronic headaches and neck pain.

We move our jaw over 2000 times a day (and night). Every time we chew, talk, swallow or move our head, upper and lower teeth come together and brace the jaw against the skull. If someone has Dental Distress such as malocclusion (bad bite), multiple missing teeth, worn down teeth, deep bite, poor dental work or have physical functions such as habitual bad posture, major surgery, personal injury/accident etc., it can displace the TMJ from its balanced position and strain the nerves . When the nerves receive continuous stress beyond their adaptive capacity, it causes tension to the occipital nerves and causes headaches and migraine.

Do you want to learn more about TMD / Headache treatment in chennai ? Call to International Dental Implant Centre schedule your appointment.

International Dental Implant Centre
(A Unit of Best Laser Dental Clinic)
1/208,Mariamman Koil Street,
Contact : 98404497777

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